Tuesday, May 27, 2008


CNN's Larry King- May 27th, 2008: "Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?"

This "hype" story from CNN's Larry King Live exposes biopro's fraudulent claims contradicting the FDA that cell phones are unsafe. Based on the lack of evidence about cell phones, the fact the FDA is ensuring cell phones are NOT dangerous and all this exposed in this CNN story you also have to conclude that biopro's claims behind their products are an even greater false and unsubstantiated scam. After you see this story or read the transcripts we are going to show you the complete hype being created and an ironic twist of karma for biopro.

In a quick setup to our points, there was one biopro cool-aid sounding doctor in the interview, Dr. Khurana. He spouted all the same biopro training propaganda of an epidemic greater in scale than the dangers of cigarettes. This man's unfounded and speculative self proclaimed "findings" has contributed to the biopro fuel and has been used by biopro to support their theory of EMF dangers so as to market, sell and exploit the American consumer for their own greed. You will find all over the Web stories published about this man's speculations of cell phone dangers but all in specific language such as; "there is a significant and increasing body of evidence for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumors". Notice he does not say; "there is absolute evidence"? In all the published readings we have found this doctor is slick with his words, as slick as biopro which make us believe their is some link between the two. Keep vigilant about how this doctor, others like him and biopro use their words; possible, growing evidence (not absolute evidence), can double the risk (not IS doubling the risk) and more deliberately deceptive play on words. You also need to know that this is one man. Their are many other experts that not only disagree with this doctor but have their own findings which is in direct contradiction to Khurana. Here is a statement; Late last week, the Mobile Operators Association dismissed Khurana's study as "a selective discussion of scientific literature by one individual". It believes he "does not present a balanced analysis" of the published science, and "reaches opposite conclusions to the WHO and more than 30 other independent expert scientific reviews".

The lawyer, Joanne Suder, well she exposes her own personal desire and obvious agenda within her argument to sue the next big trumped up scam. The problem the doctor and this lawyer is going to have is defending their views against the majority. A majority which is supported by the National Cancer Institute as well as many other very reputable organizations. CNN's guest doctors were all affirming our point that their are no positive links to tumors caused by cell phones or that there is an EMF epidemic. All of the lawsuits have been dismissed or thrown out due to a lack of concrete evidence. Now let's break this 1 hour story show you the truth in their own words.

The Story

Please take the time to read the complete CNN transcript via our link above or none of what we are going to expose here will make sense.

  • The first outrageous statements reveling how lame these correlation attempts are came from Joanne Suder, an attorney of course; "After Dr. Newman was diagnosed and began treatment, his own physicians made the correlation between his longtime cell phone use and his cancer." This is NOT scientific evidence! This is an OPINION, a very dangerous one at that! She goes on to state; "He also has documented, unfortunately, nine years of a vast amount of cell phone use, and his terminal tumor is located in the exact anatomical location where the radiation from the cell phone emitted into his skull." Again, this is NOT scientific evidence! This is a lawyer trying to make a case!
Larry goes on to ask if they are up against it in their case based on the lack of concrete evidence and points out that 8 or 9 years ago Larry had on his show someone who lost a lawsuit based on this same premise. Joanne responds with two points so lets break them down in real terms because she is inadvertently exposing the truth we have been exposing on our Blog.
  • Joanne responds; "Larry, when you say the lack of concrete evidence, that to me is really outrageous, because, number one, the field of brain tumors is not telecommunications, it's medical oncology."
What is outrageous in this statement she gives is the total ignoring of and denial of ALL the medical oncology except what fits her agenda. The only "lack of concrete evidence" is in the "view" showing correlations. It is irresponsible to take a single side to a "theory" and turn it into an agenda for personal gain which is exactly what she does. This is also what biopro is doing by taking this point of view and creating a so called solution to an issue that also can't be proven.

Blinded by her agenda, her follow up statement validates our point. She incites that its the level of the accusation that's more important and should be considered more factual than science!
  • Joanne's second point; "Number two, whenever you're dealing with scientists, they're always going to tell you something is possible. You know, they want a mathematical certainty, and we are dealing with a law case, and under the law it's -- it is a preponderance of the evidence, and clearly in this case, all of the evidence excludes any other cause of cancer and points only to the radiation, and the industries own self studies that they funded also prove that there is a correlation, a high degree of correlation. between brain tumors and excessive cellular use." What!? Yes Joanne, in science something IS always "possible" but it is through science we establish known facts or a "majority" consensus accepted as fact! To use your own language, it is the preponderance of evidence, the very evidence that does not exist in your argument! So no, it is NOT clear or does your statement show ANY evidence cell phone use caused this cancer. If it were true the majority if not all the doctors on the show and in the medical community would have provided the absolute proof in which they did not! In fact, these doctors reaffirmed our point there is no, none, zero, NADA evidence that can link cell phone EMF to brain tumors and cancer.
  • Then Larry King asks the typical leftist "rope-a-dope" question; "So there's no doubt that there is radiation in the cell phone?". any 5th grader could have asked this and is an obvious attempt to make this a story Larry wants. Larry is showing his bias being on the side of the lawyer and accuser and vacant of any balance. Thank God the doctors kept driving their point of no evidence or Larry and this lawyer would have tried the cell phone industry right on the show.
Unprofessional statements like this from people with way too much influence and blatant agendas in mass media is dangerous and a crime! This was an absolute attempt to fuel an unprovable idea in which companies like biopro and crackpot lawyers could use to exploit.

Mr. Newman sites his usage which amounted to an average cell phone user. Bellow average for teenager's that are now well into their adult years giving them a solid 10 years of cell phone use; "where is the epidemic biopro"? Wouldn't the epidemic already start to appear with hundreds of thousands of people especially from those of us whom have been using them for 20 years or more? We do know cell phones have been in public use long enough to show a link if it were true. According to biopro, kids are the most vulnerable because they still have "developing skulls" and their undeveloped heads allow more cell phone radio waves to penetrate. So it goes without saying this group could be showing signs in less than 10 years? We don't see an epidemic because this is all just more bullshit to push a false product for profit!

Joanne states she has never owned a cell phone and will not until they are safe. Hey Joanne! Give biopro a call because they can make your cell phone safe! Well let's be clear here... the "cell phone" will not be safer because the biopro science does not work like that. It only works with your body like kryptonite to Superman. The phone is kryptonite and their products are charged with Area 51 technology which makes you stronger than Superman. You will have to allow biopro to explain since they are the ones that made this shit up. We also suggest that you have a scientist with you as an interpreter as well as to test their products to make sure they work and if you do find they work please send us the evidence!

Larry King took a propaganda page right out of the biopro handbook by letting callers call in and give "testimonials". Biopro is famous for using this type of propaganda when explaining their science. This is the lowest form of "insinuation cloaked as validation".

Motorola and Verizon provided their statements as well. Of course the nut bags that still believe in biopro's conspiracy theories of a cover-up shunned this; but for the rest of us we got validation the right people in both the medical industry and the Government are doing their jobs to protect us. All sighting evidence from absolutely credible medical organizations confirming cell phones are safe.

In Perspective
This all just wreaks of a new Global Warming platform to exploit the public. We know this as fact because Alfred Hanser floated the G.W. comparison balloon to a cell phone safety epidemic in several biopro meetings. We are witnessing the creation of the next Global Warming hysteria which can only be interpreted as an assault on America by purely greedy exploiters. Exploiters of our open and free market economy, our law and our way of life. The "sky is falling" types like biopro and their attacks on "big evil corporate America" while at the same time big evil corporate biopro markets themselves as some sort of solution to their claimed dangers of cell phones and yet is immune to being one of these corporations is outrageous! For all the sleazy trial lawyers this is just a new ambulance to chase and exploit!

The truth is, biopro and the owners are just opportunists that seen a topic which fits their history of MLM fraud and as the good marketers they are took advantage by exploiting it for their own personal gain. They cloaked themselves via their marketing as good and honest people just trying to help "save the children" and MADE UP a product and science to package their fraud. Our society and culture unfortunately has become accustomed to pointing their fingers at someone or something to blame even if the evidence doesn't exist. The only thing worse than finger pointers are those people that see an opportunity to exploit the situation and ripoff those vulnerable to believing it.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Let's go back in time to the QX-3 where absolute proof of biopro's scam was exposed. Ray Grimm was so quick to jump on any product that could bring him large sums of quick money for his new company, he must have forgot to test it! More than likely he really didn't care and made a scam calculation. Possibly a typical gig corporate calculation like Microsoft has been accused of; "Let the consumer test it, if it works we'll keep it. If it does't it will "buy" us time and bring enough revenue to create the next piece of crap". So the biopro gas chip was exposed when people found real numbers unchanged, when they expected a 15% increased gas savings and did not.

We are coming back to an old product because it is extremely important to expose and remind people of this blunder by biopro. This was the product that drove most of us away from biopro and writing Blog's like this one. This product proved ERT was a scam science and MERT, their new convoluted redefined ERT science, could also not work!

To some of you like us this image looks familiar and if so you’re a veteran with this company and you already know that biopro dropped this product for obvious reasons... it didn’t work because numbers do not lie!

This product proved itself and biopro to be a scam from the very beginning through real basic science. When you apply these stickers to your tank, calculate the proposed savings... you are still getting the same gas mileage!

Biopro can lie or distort the truth but they can’t lie about numbers and this product using their so called ERT technology just did not show real numerical proof it worked. Once Ray noticed all the complaints, returns and a drop in revenue he quickly pulled it off the shelf before everyone could catch on to this fraud. They shifted and became more focused on products that have a more convoluted description, no real world technology testing ability and can not be proved or disproved. So does it not go without saying that all their products are frauds and scams using ERT or even the new invention MERT? Yes it does and you see folks, in science, it either is or it is not and beyond that it’s just a "theory" based on consensus. This is where biopro operates from, the theoretical equation. For example, the existence of God can no more be proved than it can be disproved. This company believes that "perception is reality" and they aggressively push this point of view in their products marketing for the greediest of outcomes. You could say they have created their own religion.

Bottom line is this product is absolute proof biopro science is a fraud. That the owners demonstrate conscious and deliberate malice in pushing a product they had to know was B.S.. And one can only conclude that biopro is only rooted in greed for massive profits and does not care their technology works or not because they keep inventing more products based onthe same science which does not have to be verified by the FTC, FDA or FCC. Its sold via MLM and there is little to no regulations on companies like biopro... YET.

This product exposed their fraud "scientifically"! For more verification take a look at this: http://www.carqna.com/auto/153-2-carqna.html

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Biopro tries to validate their products through crazy scientists with mad theories - but these are not scientists!

It is clear now with Dr. Carlo abandoning biopro he must have gotten too close to biopro’s “bottom line”. So the biopro mad scientist search is on and the winner whack jobs are? Dr. Howard Fisher, Dr. Nick Begich and Dr. Smirnov. Giving some credit to biopro for trying to find a legitimate scientist/doctor, Begich is a natural born U.S. Citizen. The problem with Begich is that he has educated himself outside the U.S. which does not lend 100% credibility to him based on the lack of standards in most foreign educational systems. But he has educated himself enough to know that he can get away with his “wiled eyed” science theories and far fetched beliefs as well as anti American crap as well as unfounded conspiracies he writes in his publishing's. All of course in countries with much less standards. In his case, little to no standards of Sri Lanka. There seems to be a pattern with biopro to seek scientists with 2 distinct traits.

1. They show signs of hatting the U.S. enough to create a false issue to capitalize on.
2. They have the same burning desire to make lots of money through an MLM.

Who is Dr. Howard Fisher?
Biopro’s new leading self discrediting “Canadian” alternative doctor. Yes, "alternative doctor", can we realy call them a doctor or are they just "practitioners"? Are you seeing a pattern with biopro locating so called doctors from outside the United States, people not being remotely credible to talk about science on the level biopro claims their science works on? This seems to be a huge disconnecting fact.

Visit this page in biopro’s site http://www.bioprotechnology.com/The_Problem.aspx and listen to this double talking doctor make outrageous leaps, contradictions and outright lies then you will hear the sound of an alliance with an MLM company that is probably paying him large amounts of money about science he probably does not believe in himself. Yes, money does make people bias and corrupt.

Also take a look at the page reference links, of course all from non U.S. sources again and all not from credible organizations. Just more examples that this company can’t find anyone to support their claims from the most scientifically advanced and knowledgeable country known to the human race, the United States.

First, you need to know that biopro is conducting this interview in-house with a biopro paid consultant by the name of Tammy. Another self discrediting piece by someone with ties and extensive knowledge of the MLM industry working for biopro. So she is not an un-bias 3rd party interviewer and is well versed in MLM marketing so as to conduct these interviews for biopro exactly how biopro needs them. She has the experience to orchastrate and doctor them up (pun intended) so as to make sure they portray exactly what biopro needs them to portray; for marketing purposes only and not to save the human race from EMF. Clearly for monetary reasons ONLY!

Details about this audio

- Note at how they site and reference without naming. Peer reviews that Mr. Fisher has contributed to but does not name them.

- Mr. Fisher is a “health” doctor which is a key discrediting point.

- As also pointed out in this blog, biopro can not legitimize themselves like every pharmaceutical company or cell phone company. They can’t prove to the right regulatory groups their products work, this is why they are an MLM company and stage everything from a marketing standpoint using propaganda such as "the dangers of EMF".

- He says AC current created by Tesla in 1895, Tesla realized he created a monster. How is this possibly during a period of history when it was still impossible to apply his invention to a working model especially in mass consumption? Tesla was a genius but not a fortune teller and to imply he could foresee a so called monster is more biopro propaganda! He goes on to say that everything we use electrically is dangerous and harmful, that we are electrical beings ourselves and that all the electrical currents man made is dangerous to our electrical system. Bullshit and what double talk! We are electrical and over the last 200 plus years we have gradually created more AC currents, would it not go without saying that our “electrical bodies” have adapted to this gradual progression? Also, electricity is not bias! It does not distinguish a "good" frequency from a "bad" one. There is just no such thing! They are just frequencies that work within their own spectrum - not effect us and our own frequency. Besides, most of our own frequency is just body heat. Take a look at some of biopro so called "biofield" images and you are seeing our body heat... not a "biofield". This man sounds a lot like the Al Gore propaganda – propagating the idea of "man mad" problems so these people can extort money for EMR.

- He then goes into his research and starts sighting more bogus Carlo science, science Carlo has already discredited himself. Then Tammy makes the calculated reference biopro likes to exploit all the time, “what about the danger to children”. Biopro always comes to this statement when they have lacking and vacant information which you can plainly hear form Fisher whom sites ZERO resources.

- After the children question from Tammy we hear him bring up the “GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY”. This is where he loses the audience, the audience with common sense and we had to listening because this is all that's needed to conclude this audio. A Canadian doctor making claims to a US Government conspiracy… is this a pattern by biopro of being anti American for the Old’ Mightily Dollar. It must be some level of anti American thought if a company is willing to stretch the realm of reality for a profit.

Note: If you finished listening to the audio you hear him reference Carlo, all the same rhetoric and propaganda of the FCC being paid off by the cell phone companies to push cell phones on the market. How we are all a bunch of duped consumers blinded to the EMF plague due to our dependence of electricity. This is a typical elitist angel of how we are all morons and if it were not for the GENIUSES at biopro we would have never known the "hiiiiidden daaaangers". They phrase their B.S. scare tactics by staging this so called epidemic with statements like; "fun for children to watch TV". So in order to continue to have fun watching TV and avoid this bogus biopro claimed "massive fatigue placed on our bodies" by telling you the NEED for their products. I’m sorry, if it were making us so fatigued how can I be having fun or even stay awake to watch a 2 hour movie? What a load of crap science and MLM propaganda!

Who is Dr. Nick Begich?
He attended and acquired his so called “degree” from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines. Yes, an “ORGANIZATION” – not a U.S. based University!

Dr. Nick Begich serves as Executive Director of The Lay Institute on Technology, Inc., a Texas non-profit corporation. Who is this? I would say a bottomless pit of financial funding since this institute is owned by THE daughter of Frito-Lay, Inc. Another obvious trust fund baby that has inherited more money than she obviously knows what to do with. Just another elitist that knows more than everyone! You can read about this institute here: http://www.layinstitute.org/src/category.asp?catid=1.

This doctor also has endorsed and contributed to a book that is full of the Military Industrial Complex paranoia. A book called Earth Rising II and you can get a synopsis of this crap here: http://www.alienzoostore.com/servlet/the-155/Dr.-Nick-Begich-Presents/Detail.

This man is also a Global Warming nutcase that endorses a “THEORY” as fact
of the root cause to G.W. being caused by humans. http://freedomisforeverybody.blogspot.com/2007/02/nick-begich-are-you-manchurain.html.

So to sum up this man, there is one more blog that exposes his inability to be of any reputable spokesman for the biopro products or the science: http://9-11themotherofallblackoperations.blogspot.com/2007/10/interesting-fact-in-regard-to-late.html

As you can see and conclude from your own common sense, this blog ties all the above info up. The link to his ties with Dorothy Lay (of the Lays Potato chip fortune), his military complex conspiratorial reasons for his fathers death and his blasphemous theories that man is the cause of Global Warming. We all know ultimately G.W. is an elitists effort to control what you and I can buy, drive and how we live our very lives. For the purpose of this Blog, this is all just another extortion vehicle based on fear to get you to buy into the EMF scam.

Who is Dr. Igor. V. Smirnov?
Biopro seems to have found the replacement to Carlo, for now, because Smirnov holds the patent to MERT and has joined biopro. Just remember, anyone can get a patent for just about anything and this does not lend ANY credibility to their products or prove their products work at all.

You can hear this mad scientist in a YouTube video but don't try to decipher what he is saying in the video, allow us to interpret for you.

His claims on the scam H2O product; "It closely resembles the natural geomagnetic field found near healing water springs". The operative word in that sentence is "resembles" NOT duplicates which means that it really does not do what biopro and Mr. Smirnov are claiming. He claims that this processes "changes the molecular structure of water" but shows zero examples anywhere. I am surprised biopro didn't just design some fake graphics like it seems they have in the past for other products. So their "changing the molecular structure of H20"? Are they adding other elements to do this? Are they allpying extreem heat or cold? No, so how is it that a "magnetic field" changes the structure of H20? All this is unproven science since it relies solely on non-controlled results and really just adds up to more hocus-pocus. Igor was hired by the Russian Government to find a way to replicate what some thought were "healing" spring water. A handful of people that were suffering from the radiation fallout were drinking this so called "miracle water" from natural springs. Igor studied this water and claims he found a magnetic relationship to the waters healing power and the stronger than normal magnetic field in the area which he claims he "replicated" in the form of MERT. So basically biopro finds another scientific genius with Area 51 science! But with all this collective intelligence between biopro and all their so called scientist's, biopro still can't convince the FCC, FDA, FTC or any other credible science community. That's odd isnt it? They have this mirical science to cure people of a physical affliction but no one has launched a massive investigation to bring this theory to market on a mass scale? Yet, biopro continues with their disclaimer on their products and site.

If your buying biopro products at biopro's massively marked up prices, you can get the Water Activator scam at this site (scroll to bottom of page) http://www.cocoonnutrition.org/catalog/page_MRET.php for only $400 vs. the huge biopro price of $927.50. Of course your not getting all the other scam products like 3 VERY expensive spray bottles of water, 2 VERY expensive drinking bottles and the smartest credit card in the world that only seems to work in one direction - from your pockets to biopro's bank. But ask yourself if those items are really worth an additional $527.50... Wow! Biopro should transform their business model into a marketing consulting company to show how to BULLSHIT the most markup and profit margins ever invented.
So with Begich it seems Ray Grimm likes to seek and get comfortable with “extremely” wealthy elite people or anyone linked to such wealth and with Smirnov it seems to be beneficial to continue to use rogue scientists with no credibility behind their science. Also in Smirnov's case it seems there is not much about the man to verify his credibility other than his biopro speech's and sporadic publishing's... basically all crap.


If the science can not be proven to be real to the FCC, FDA or any Government regulatory entity and biopro must post a disclaimer as ordered by Federal Law on their site then are their products and self proclaimed science not giving people a false sense of security? Would this not make people feel like they can continue to use their cell phones as much or even more if they think their biopro cell chip is protecting them? Keep in mind the sources at biopro marketing this science idea, not one of them hold an Engineering degree or even close to one and this product is being sold via an MLM. AN MLM PEOPLE! So why should we believe them and their claims about their products and science? We would say you are not only taking a huge financial risk but you may also be taking a larger safety risk and further yet a legal risk!

Ray Grimm is a "veteran" pyramid marketer and that’s all he is. He has surrounded himself with all veteran pyramid marketers. There are no scientists working at biopro or any doctors. If they did have a science background, it could lend some credibility to the creation of and invention of their products. Instead, they have recruited very questionable rouge scientists from inside and outside the US, (mostly outside), that are mainly "wellness" people. In a very lame attempt these wellness people try to lend credibility to this science. No one at biopro is credible or is in ANY position to talk about the science as an expert – ask a “scientific” question and watch them not answer you. So what the hell is this!?

If the science is highly questionable, the validation sources are highly questionable and biopro is definitely questionable... then we can only conclude that biopro has a questionable reason for existence. Lets go back to Ray Grimm's prior endeavors and examine, even his previous companies and involvement was so questionable the San Diego Reader.com news source wrote about their questionable stocks. After you click the link above, scroll down about 3/4 of the page to the paragraph starting with; "Then there's San Diego's hottest stock, FemOne of Carlsbad." This article makes us think that the opportunists at biopro is taking advantage of an unfounded EMF dangers theory, pushing the idea their products provide some form of safety, creating an unprovable science behind their products, growing an MLM so fast it balloons the stocks up to sell and possibly leaving a ton of victims in their wake with complete disregard of their safety if EMF is really unsafe.

Dr. George Carlo was a key supporting figure in the whole biopro structure and has left biopro for this very reason of unprovability and safety. he stopped endorsing them because he too no longer believes in their science but did he also know more? Did he know so much he was not wiling to go down that road with them? After reading his "Open Letter" to biopro executives and consultants at SafeWireless.org you can make up your own mind. You can make up your mind as to the validity of biopro's products, the science, why Carlo left and why this MLM company exists. Moreover, you can also make up your mind as to why Ray Grimm, Alfred Hanser and all the executive staff at biopro would take on so much risk to push something unprovable and which may be causing more harm to the consumer.


If biopro can accuse cell phone companies of being "big evil corporations unconcerned for public safety and only for profits", can we not also accuse biopro for the same thing?

Based on our observations of these two men and their actions in business, their words used to recruit distributors, their lack of facts behind their science and all their misleading marketing material; their greater motivation is anything BUT safety from EMF and more for a massively profitable MLM. Without going into the fallacy of their science, this company exposes the truth through their own methods of marketing. Hell, the fact they are only an MLM marketing company and not a science company should be enough. But for those that use their emotions rather than common sense lets try this angle. Biopro exposes their absolute arrogant elitist thinking assuming people will believe anything if its "marketed" right including an unproven science. Point in fact; they go out of their way in recruiting meetings to portray the biopro business as something other than a for profit company. That its some kind of "God send" to help against a "claimed" yet unproven theory of an EMF epidemic. Biopro then, "closes the deal" to use an MLM term, when they market the company on the foundation of "you" getting rich when we all know it is the corporate execs that get rich in any MLM. Ray Grimm and Alfred Hanser and all the others aiding and abetting this crime is absolutely creating this MLM for the sole purpose of massive profits; not for the children as they say and not for the safety of the public as they say. Their profits are for their privileged lifestyles - a level of lifestyle you will never achieve under their Pyramid. Biopro's Big Evil Corporate Profits are for a life style that has awarded them multi millions of dollars, lavish homes in the most exclusive communities and for the CEO a fleet of $250,000 dollar Lamborghini's! These people that demagogue the cell phone industry are the same people that make massive profits doing so.

So is Ray Grimm and his company biopro consciously ignoring their less than honorable facts for their own big profit gains? You would have to agree this is exactly what is happening.

Consider more observations...
- Do you create an unproven science and sell it via an MLM company if EMF is really that dangerous?

- Do you market a product and science without the requirement of proof unless you have massive profits on your mind first and foremost?

- Is there no other reason to prop yourself and your company up evoking phrases like "for the children" and shamelessly "using" personal stories about children from Child Help in your marketing meetings unless you are trying to gain respect from the people you are actively recruiting to buy into your MLM?

- Is there any other reason to display pictures of yourself with celebrities like Evander Holyfield and Bill O'Reilly but for your own vacant selfish attempt to make yourself and your company look reputable?

Once you answer these questions honestly then you will see their is no doubt they discredit themselves, the science and expose their true desire... profits!